Alright, I have another question I’d like to put out there.

These pictures were taken on November 2nd. Now, I love Christmas as much as the next person, but I tend to be one of “those” people that like Christmas to start after Thanksgiving and end after New Years. That being said, I realize there are many who just can’t wait that long and would like Christmas to start earlier and last longer, but November 2nd? Am I off my rocker to say that this is really pushing it? The BGM was seriously playing Christmas music.
Now the top two rebuttals I usually get when I start saying this stuff are “But Lilly, not everyone can come during Christmas and this gives more people the ability to experience Christmas.” My opinion on this is... well, too bad. If you want to see the park at Christmas, come during Christmas. I personally don’t want to see Christmas in November, so it’s a little annoying to have it take over my trip when it isn’t even Christmas time.
Number two is, “But they spend so much money on their Christmas stuff and it takes so much effort to put it all up, they really need to get the most use out of it as they can.” I’m not buying this one either. After all, they use the same stuff year after year and I actually think it makes it all more special when it’s only up for one month instead of three months. The one exception is The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Walt Disney World, because that really does take a lot of time to put up, so I’m okay that they start in September, but I still wish they wouldn’t light them until late November. They will be lit from November 8 to January 3 this year.
All I’m saying is, Christmas is a special and fun time and I would really like it to remain special and fun. When it starts so early, I feel like it’s being shoved down my throat instead of being special and fun.
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