I Love it When They Get Things Right

On this blog, we tend to focus on the things we wish we could change with the Walt Disney Company. This is because we are so passionate about preserving the energy of the company that inspired us so much as children and we want the memories that have ignited our own creativity to exist forever. However, I would like to take just a moment to acknowledge a few things Disney has recently done really right in my eyes.
The cleansing of Pleasure Island. Thank you. Good bye seedy and unimaginative nightclubs, no one will miss you but the sleazy and disreputable.
The Return of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln to Disneyland. Welcome back Mr. Lincoln. You look great. Your moments were greatly missed.
The normalizing of Kermit and Piggy. It’s a small thing, but it means a lot to me. I am so happy they discontinued use of these ugly, overgrown costumes. Jim Hensen hated them and so do I. I am wishing on a star tonight that they will never be used again.
And don’t forget....THE RETURN OF CAPTAIN EO. I am so happy this is back. The over 500 fans that lined up outside for its opening are happy it’s back, too.