THEN AND NOW: Epcot Future World [Part 1]

Future World, Epcot
Wonders of Life
World of Motion / Test Track
The Living Seas / The Seas with Nemo and Friends
Holy moly. Future World has seen share of changes.
In front of the old World of Motion building (Test Track) I tried but was unable to get the exact angle of the "then" photo from an old pictorial souvenir book. A tall mound of landscaping was in my way. Some guy walked up next to me trying to get the same night shot and he said,
"Boy, isn't that a pretty site?"
I said, "Umm, take a look at what it used to look like" showing him the old photo on my iPod.
"WHOA. That was much nicer!" he said.
"Yeahhh. It was a beauty. But don't get me started on Horizons, Imagination, The Living Seas."
Buzzy from Cranium Command is looking handsome, wouldn't you say?? With that nice droopy eye and all. Although it doesn't matter much what he looks like--- NO ONE GETS TO SEE HIM ANYMORE. The "now" photo was taken within the last few weeks. The Wonders of Life building is open during the Food and Wine Festival but don't plan on enjoying the place the way you used to. Not a single attraction isn't blocked by a few hundred folded chairs and tables. And sorry, Martin Short is nowhere in sight if you were planning on learning Disney's version of where babies come from.
Future World, come back. We miss you. You weren't boring like they told us you were. Really, you weren't. You've really lost your identity but it's not too late to find it again.
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