Behind the Scenes Muppeteering

The new Muppets movie "The Muppets" will be released in a few days. We thought we'd bring you some old behind the scenes photos of Muppet magic– mostly from Sesame Street.
"After earlier unsuccessful attempts, The Walt Disney Company bought the Muppets in 2004. Exceptions include characters appearing on Sesame Street (as they were previously sold to Sesame Workshop, although they have always had creative rights, only paying The Jim Henson Company to create and provide their Muppet characters for their use) and the Fraggles of Fraggle Rock (which are still owned by The Jim Henson Company). The legal trademark on the term "Muppet" is currently held by The Muppets Studio, a division of The Walt Disney Company, although Sesame Workshop and The Jim Henson Company continue to use the term on their characters with certain permissions from Disney." Thank you, Wikipedia.
Images scanned from our personal collections. Images ©The Jim Henson Company
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