Illustrated Donald Duck

I just had to post these. I love this style of illustration and I like Donald Duck.
I would wear this mountaineer Donald on a t-shirt, I would. I scanned these from a 1973 "Disney's Wonderful World of Knowledge" book. It's a picture book about animals- along the lines of Walt Disney's True Life Adventures films.
These beauties are by Italian illustrator, Giovan Battista Carpi, who illustrated a lot of old Disney comic books, particularly ones featuring Donald or Scrooge McDuck. His style is great. His line work is exceptional. And I love the artistic liberties he took with the character design. Donald is a little off-model but in a good way as I see it. The lines under his eyes are an interesting but nice touch. I love the combination of paint and pencil. The angles throughout get me giddy. Nerd talk, I know.
It's like he's at Disneyland but he's riding the real Dumbo. And is that the predecessor to Darkwing Duck?