1962 Disneyland Souvenir Map - High Res
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Disneyland in it's prime. This map a treasure trove of Disneyland history. So many things are labeled. One of many great features of the map is that 'Future Developments' are included. Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion, of course, but even more interesting, it shows Edison Square and Liberty Street. Holidayland is fun to look at and I love the Tomorrowland.

Reader Comments (18)
This is the best high res Disneyland map on the web. Oh how I'd love to go back to that era.
I've been wanting a good vintage Disneyland map for a long time. This is the best I've seen online so far.
THANKS. I have a small personal collection of poster-size souvenir maps and a large collection of regular guidemaps. I'm always on the lookout for a good vintage Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, or Epcot map.
I wonder if they've thought of building an Edison Squre/Liberty Street in recent years. It would cater to the make-money mentality of current management and for us fans of vintage disneyland, we'd like to see this materialize!
I say they do. But only if they fill it with specialty shops like they originally planned. It should look nothing like the Emporium as far as the products go.
I'll post some photos of the wall on Main Street that talked about this new area 'coming soon'.
Oh me oh my. What a beautiful thing this is. Such fun detail!
Oh how I wish I was alive then! This picture is so amazing I wanted to cry at how genuine and not commercial it was! Thank you!
I would love to see a high res map of EPCOT! I wish that park had never changed!
I am curious. How much would this be worth? I don't find many of this year and do not want to overpay if I find one.
I found one that had creases and some yellowing issues from age, retouched it in Photoshop had it printed and now it looks as good as new for under $20.00.
This map is reproduced on the inside front and back cover pages of the book "Disneyland Inside Story" by Randy Bright. This book covers the history of the park up to 1989. It includes a list of all attractions with opening dates from the park's opening day until 1989, including all refurbishments.
Sorry - need to correct my previous post and faulty memory. I pulled the book off my shelf and looked at it again. The map in the book is very similar to this one, but it is a few years older (no monorail and no flying saucers attraction). Sorry about that.
Man talk about going back to the good old days. Right you are. Once Walt died the vision died too. Now Disney is glutted with guys whose eyes are ALWAYS on the prize and that is MONEY and ONLY MONEY. The thing that made Disneyland great in 1962 was about MORE, maybe much more than just money. And that vision died with Walt Disney.
New favorite computer wall paper!
I have this exact map from my Dad, who got it from his very first Disneyland trip. The Edison Square and liberty street confused me, so i did some research and that's what first made me interested in imagineering
I just found one of these while cleaning out my Grandparents home. It belonged to my great aunt. I have not opened it, but it looks as though its never been fully unfolded. Its about in as pristine condition. One of the corners has a slight curve to it. Does anyone have an idea what it might be worth?
I purchased one of these as a child. Found it before first sons birth. It was folded and becoming torn. They laughed at me when I paid $100 to have it matter and professionally framed for baby's room. Now hangs at top of stairs. Priceless to me because13 cousins aunt uncles and grandma sent annually. Worth $20 mint condition.
I purchased one of these as a child. Found it before first sons birth. It was folded and becoming torn. They laughed at me when I paid $100 to have it matter and professionally framed for baby's room. Now hangs at top of stairs. Priceless to me because13 cousins aunt uncles and grandma sent annually. Worth $20 mint condition.