Videos. Vintage WDW and Disneyland Videos.

Let's thank our lucky stars for the unassuming fathers and mothers who had undying desires to film their families at Disney parks in decades past. Let's be even more grateful to those who filmed less of their kids and more of the parks themselves.
I stumbled upon this collection on Vimeo a while back and rather enjoy what this man has put together. Martin started filming WDW in 1978 with no knowledge of how valuable that footage would become. He provides a number of 'Ultimate Tributes' to things that catch my attention such as The Rivers of America WDW , Kitchen Kabaret, If You Had Wings and Dreamflight, Carousel of Progress 75-94, American Adventure 82, and so much more.
Another great collection that I've loved for even longer is that of Widen Your World with their collection found on their YouTube Channel. I can't imagine Martin and every other Walt Disney World history nut not depending on Widen Your World as the ultimate source of early WDW information. Spending countless hours in WDW archives I've witnessed first-hand that the Disney Company itself depends on WYW as it's ultimate source of early WDW. Celebrated director of the Walt Disney Archives in Burbank, Dave Smith, has referred me to the WYW site more than once.
Among my many favorite videos on this channel are Mickey Mouse Review Show Segments 1977, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Track A and Track B, Space Mountain Movies Circa 1978 and 1981, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Port Ride Through 1990, and Disneyland Walt Disney Story Pre Show Owl. (Yes there is great Disneyland stuff on this channel too.)
And as we've mentioned a number of times, Mesa Verde Times has an excellent collection of videos of guys sneaking around Horizons sets while the ride is in operation... if you are into that (I am!).

Reader Comments (3)
Wided Your World is the best historical Disney World site on the web.
Mr Toad and his two tracks. Wonderful ride. (Better than Pooh and his one track)
Check this out!
Oh, the memories.....