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Orange Bird Photo Hunt


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Imagineering Sound Design Behind-the-Scenes

Imagineers share the unusual work of adding sound to Disney attractions in this new video.

Director Michael Coleman recently contacted us about a video he recently produced about WDI sound teams. He takes us behind-the-scenes of Walt Disney Imagineering Studios to see how ride tracks, voice recordings, sound effects, etc. are produced.

See home-made contraptions designed by legendary sound designer, Jimmy MacDonald (first photo above). 

See how speakers are disguised with the use of painted scrims.

Jimmy MacDonald is seen here crafting the sounds of a forest fire for Bambi using bamboo.

Even President Obama takes part in the Imagineering process.

Side note: When recording his speech for The Hall of Presidents he said, "are these like wax figures or holograms?"... "Oh robots, that's kind of cool". This is not featured in this video but can be seen here.



A big thanks to Michael for sharing this new film. All images are courteous of Michael Coleman, SoundWorks Collection, and Walt Disney Imagineering.

Up next: Walt Disney Studios Post Production Behind-the-Scenes.


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Inside Walt Disney Imagineering
New Lincoln Animatronic Lookin' Good 
I Miss Paul Frees 



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Reader Comments (13)

Awesome post!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

the link for the video did not work for me... I'm on a Mac 0SX... ;(

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpollyanna

The link for the video did not work.... :( I'm on a MAC OSX...

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpollyanna

WOW! I learn so much from your posts!!!! This was AWESOME!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterConnie

The link works on my OSX.... try it again.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Firefox and Chrome on Ubuntu here, neither browser could play the embedded video. If you're having trouble, click the blue title in the player to go to its Vimeo page; it plays fine there.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCoffeeJedi

I just re-entered the html for the video and did it a bit differently than the first time. I tried Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on Mac and they all work. Although Chrome kept pausing and playing a blank black screen until I clicked further down the video timeline then it worked fine. Sorry for the troubles.

Hope you enjoy!

January 25, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdmin

This is brilliant! What a great video.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

That Jimmy MacDonald was a character! hehe. We use to drink at his house every other night and pull pranks on the new guys. He'd pull out some bamboo, mess with it, and tell some poor guy that his ass was on fire! The guy would jump up and cry and scream but it was Jimmy and his bamboo! HAHA! He'd pull the trans axle out of a Ford Galaxy 500, tickle it with a mallet, and some poor guy would be convinced he was having a heart attack! They'd hear the sound and yell "Oh god! My heart!". Sometimes it killed them but......what a gas MacDonald was.

Jimmy was great. He was the only man I ever met who could tie his pubic hair to a stick and strum "When You Wish Upon A Star". Simply beautiful and you'd cry every time you heard it. Touching.

One more story. One night on the backlot, after a long day of shooting on Mary Poppins, I saw Jimmy sitting on the curb rubbing his forehead. I asked "Hey Jimmy MacDonald, what's wrong? You ok?". He looked up at me with sad eyes but his amazing grin and said "Hoot, I can fart Mozart works in my sleep and beat the bass out on a dead Mexicans skull". I knew something was wrong......gosh...that was the last time I saw him. It's like he knew.

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHoot Gibson

Wow, great video! I can't get enough of the behind the scenes stuff of Disney. Keep up the great work!

January 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLambo

Cool post I like it!

May 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRon

n.y. is a failed state actually now it has degenerated into the infrastructural toilet bowlof amerca i asked the syncophant at the whorehouse in MORNINGSIDE HTS. WHEN ws the last time your stupid state ven built a major monumental bridge ? need a hint ? go back to the FIRST WORLD TOUR OF THE BEATLES AT SHEA STADIUM. CRIMINAL NEGKIGENCE AND DERELICTION OF DUTY are the only terminology to describe the backed up broken down blood bespattered roads and UNBUILT UNBUILT BRIDGES in the stupid state of n.y. so glad i bolted the VULTURINE TAXES OF ALBANY AND WASTE WESCHESTER COUNTY for the WEST COAST OF FLA. IN 1993. I TOLD THE OTHER SYNCOPHANT AT THE NEXT INTELLECTUAL SINK HOLE IN sodom HUNTER COLLEGE look if u say anything at all about the post menupsual slut who HATED CARS jane jacobs or the GERIATRIC WEASEL ROBERT CARO they will throw your ass out of the whorehouse in MORNINGSIDE HTS. in 72 hours TENURE AND ALL.THE WESEL caro still lives in SODOM ON 95 th street and works part time for the noxious n.y. times a paper i reserve for the PARAKEET CAGE. NO wonder the stupid state of n.y. is the INFRASTRUCTURAL TOILET BOWL OF AMERICA no wonder the COFFERS of the stupid state of n.y. are empty no wonder the property taxes in the stupid state are the WORST IN AMERICA truly this metro area has become since 1971 when the RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE WAS DEFEATED AND ROBERT MOSES REBUFFED by the PUSILLAMINOUS PIPSQUEAKS OF THE NASSAU county planning commission who SUCCUMBED TO THE SIREN SONGS of the POST MENUPASUAL SLUT who HATED CARS jane jacobs and the GERIATRIC WEASEL robert caro who thot bridge building a waste of tax payer revenues really REALLY NOW LONG ISLAND HAS DEGENERATED INTO THE BIGGEST ELONGATED IMMOBOLIZED DEMONIZED DEATHTRAP IN THE COSMOS with NO EVACUATION ROUTE NORTH SOUTH THANKS TO THE UNBUILT RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE. THE dumb dog at hunter college then wonders why all the fuss anyway the stooge asks me well STOOGE with the FROZEN BRAIN STEM JUST CONSIDER THIS the only way out of this man made DEATHTRAP OF LONG ISLAND IS 495 THE NOTORIOUS LONG ISLAND DISTRESSWAY THE L.I.E THE WORLDS LONGEST PARKING LOT TO SODOM THESE POOR SLOBS MOTORISTS MUST NOW SCHELPP THEIR WAY OUT OF THE DEATHTRAP OF CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE AND DERELICTION OF DUTY ON THE PART OF YOUR BENIGHTD BOOTLESS BLASPHEMOUS STATE CAPITOL IN ALBANY.FOGET ABOUT AN EMPIRE STATE HOW ABOUT THE GARBAGE BARGE STATE REMEMBER 1987 and that stink,in blasphemous barge docked in GRAVESEND BAY BROOKLYN THAT PICTURE OF THE NOTORIOUS OUTRAGEOUS ATROCIOUS GARBAGE BARGE SHOULD BE SUPERIMPOSED ON EVERY LISCENCE PLATE IN YOUR STUPID STATE AS THE NEW LOGO FOR THE 21 th cen. in the stupid state empires need empire BUILDERS NOT THE PUSSILLAMINOUS PIPSQUEAKS like the NASSAU COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION who REBUFFED ROBERT MOSES BRILLANT DARING WEALTH PRODUCING JOB CREATING TOURISM PROMOTING PLAN FOR THE RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE I 1971 72. LET ME END THIS denunciation of the stupid state of n.y. with something i told the SYNCOPHANT AT THE WHOREHOUSE IN MORNINGSIDE HTS. AND HIS TRUSTED ASSISTANT MISS PLASTIC. MY MOTHER HAD A SPOILED STINK,IN FLEA BITTEN POODLE NAMED SANDY.

June 17, 2014 | Unregistered Commentershamgar

n.y. is a failed state actually now it has degenerated into the infrastructural toilet bowlof amerca i asked the syncophant at the whorehouse in MORNINGSIDE HTS. WHEN ws the last time your stupid state ven built a major monumental bridge ? need a hint ? go back to the FIRST WORLD TOUR OF THE BEATLES AT SHEA STADIUM. CRIMINAL NEGKIGENCE AND DERELICTION OF DUTY are the only terminology to describe the backed up broken down blood bespattered roads and UNBUILT UNBUILT BRIDGES in the stupid state of n.y. so glad i bolted the VULTURINE TAXES OF ALBANY AND WASTE WESCHESTER COUNTY for the WEST COAST OF FLA. IN 1993. I TOLD THE OTHER SYNCOPHANT AT THE NEXT INTELLECTUAL SINK HOLE IN sodom HUNTER COLLEGE look if u say anything at all about the post menupsual slut who HATED CARS jane jacobs or the GERIATRIC WEASEL ROBERT CARO they will throw your ass out of the whorehouse in MORNINGSIDE HTS. in 72 hours TENURE AND ALL.THE WESEL caro still lives in SODOM ON 95 th street and works part time for the noxious n.y. times a paper i reserve for the PARAKEET CAGE. NO wonder the stupid state of n.y. is the INFRASTRUCTURAL TOILET BOWL OF AMERICA no wonder the COFFERS of the stupid state of n.y. are empty no wonder the property taxes in the stupid state are the WORST IN AMERICA truly this metro area has become since 1971 when the RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE WAS DEFEATED AND ROBERT MOSES REBUFFED by the PUSILLAMINOUS PIPSQUEAKS OF THE NASSAU county planning commission who SUCCUMBED TO THE SIREN SONGS of the POST MENUPASUAL SLUT who HATED CARS jane jacobs and the GERIATRIC WEASEL robert caro who thot bridge building a waste of tax payer revenues really REALLY NOW LONG ISLAND HAS DEGENERATED INTO THE BIGGEST ELONGATED IMMOBOLIZED DEMONIZED DEATHTRAP IN THE COSMOS with NO EVACUATION ROUTE NORTH SOUTH THANKS TO THE UNBUILT RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE. THE dumb dog at hunter college then wonders why all the fuss anyway the stooge asks me well STOOGE with the FROZEN BRAIN STEM JUST CONSIDER THIS the only way out of this man made DEATHTRAP OF LONG ISLAND IS 495 THE NOTORIOUS LONG ISLAND DISTRESSWAY THE L.I.E THE WORLDS LONGEST PARKING LOT TO SODOM THESE POOR SLOBS MOTORISTS MUST NOW SCHELPP THEIR WAY OUT OF THE DEATHTRAP OF CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE AND DERELICTION OF DUTY ON THE PART OF YOUR BENIGHTD BOOTLESS BLASPHEMOUS STATE CAPITOL IN ALBANY.FOGET ABOUT AN EMPIRE STATE HOW ABOUT THE GARBAGE BARGE STATE REMEMBER 1987 and that stink,in blasphemous barge docked in GRAVESEND BAY BROOKLYN THAT PICTURE OF THE NOTORIOUS OUTRAGEOUS ATROCIOUS GARBAGE BARGE SHOULD BE SUPERIMPOSED ON EVERY LISCENCE PLATE IN YOUR STUPID STATE AS THE NEW LOGO FOR THE 21 th cen. in the stupid state empires need empire BUILDERS NOT THE PUSSILLAMINOUS PIPSQUEAKS like the NASSAU COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION who REBUFFED ROBERT MOSES BRILLANT DARING WEALTH PRODUCING JOB CREATING TOURISM PROMOTING PLAN FOR THE RYE OYSTER BAY BRIDGE I 1971 72. LET ME END THIS denunciation of the stupid state of n.y. with something i told the SYNCOPHANT AT THE WHOREHOUSE IN MORNINGSIDE HTS. AND HIS TRUSTED ASSISTANT MISS PLASTIC. MY MOTHER HAD A SPOILED STINK,IN FLEA BITTEN POODLE NAMED SANDY.

June 17, 2014 | Unregistered Commentershamgar

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