Contemporary Fake Trees- 1976
Remember when the Contemporary Resort Hotel was super... not tacky? Every piece, from the architecture to the lighting to the furniture, to the colors, to the artwork, to the murals, all fit nicely together. And those fake, designy, stylized trees!!
Stunning photos from Jennifer Jones.
6 Comments | Monday, November 12, 2012 at 2:31PM |
Reader Comments (6)
Strange to see the photos look old when the memories in my head are so sharp and crisp.
I'd love to see The Contemporary become fully retro in decor. It's permanent architecture is already so retro-fabulous. Why not push the 70s style all the way instead of mixing in the shopping mall style and other unimpressive styles?
Yes, the new shopping mart in the middle of the floor is rather out of place with...everything! It ignores the theme, color, and entire design of the resort.
The fake-tree design was very classy. Thanks for the pictures!
So much love for those trees. I vividly remember seeing them on my first visit to Disney World. Riding the monorail through the center of a building seemed so fantastic and surreal to my New England self, and those trees just summed up the whole thing for me, with their acrylic leaves and Florida colours.
When I was able to return as an adult, I was crushed to find the trees gone. I must have looked it too, as the CM's at the monorail stop inside the resort asked me if something was wrong.
Thanks so much for posting these, and some others a bit back. I do hope it's all right that I have saved some as the background image for my tablet. Makes me smile every time I turn it on.
I agree with Fritz 100%. Knock all the decor back 40 years, please!
Oh, this is so perfect!