Disneyland- 1960s
Photo courtesy of Angie Murphy and Anita Martinez
Photo sent by Anita MartinezAnita Martinez, a Southern California kid of the 60s, shares these photos featuring her brother and cousin. Look how neatly the park-goers dressed back then. We get a great look at the old Bashful (or is that Sleepy?) and the non-face version of the Mad Hatter.
I love this photo of the black Midget Autopia car. It looks like it belongs in a magazine of that era. How do we know it's not a regular Autopia car? Or a Junior Autopia car? (Yes, there were THREE Autopia tacks at one time). The two steering wheels let us know it's a Midget Autopia car. Know where the Midget Autopia was located? It was where Storybook Land's queue resides today and extended a bit out into the walkway leading to "it's a small world".

Reader Comments (2)
This is so much fun!!! I am so glad you are posting these vintage photos and I'm so glad that people are submitting them!
Your comment about the parkgoers attire struck me - I tell people all the time that back in those days (makes me sound old, so what) people dressed casually but respectfully. I sure miss that.