Carousel of Progress Like You’ve Never Seen It
As a boy I was entertained to no end by the cleverness that was Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress. Today I enjoy it just as much-- Laser discs and all.
Here we get a look at our favorite animatronic family and their surroundings from all new angles. Photos provided anonymously with statement that they were taken with permission a number of years ago. **May contain partial animatronic nudity!**
I too spent a bit of time working on-set at Carousel of Progress and noticed a few interesting things. First of all, it was great to work with some of the very same props seen in photos and video of Walt with the Carousel sets. Few things at Walt Disney World were around for Walt to enjoy so this attraction has great meaning.
I thought it was fascinating that inside the cups and other dishes there are screws and other tiny pieces of hardware for Maintenance workers to easily access.
The printed paper props (newspapers, calendar, etc.) are made up of stacks of the exact same print. If the top print wares out or goes missing, the subsequent layers of paper are identical. Was this always the case? Don’t know.
The stages are not as deep as I would have thought. I had suspected the center core of the building be be much smaller- that the stages went further in.
Rover has a two-piece shell of fur (head and body) that easily pops off. Until recent years, his fur was glued directly to and animatronic components and had to be cut away and sewn back together every time the dog was maintained.
The television Grandma is watching is driven by 8mm film projectors running footage from the basement below- the ballroom dancing footage and the boxing footage (for when Grandpa’s asleep). “Give’m a left you big lug!” Here you see an actual piece of dancing scene film stip thrown out after breaking:
Preview of Things to Come
In our new and upcoming series we compare the old to the new and see what remains the same. Golly this will be fun!
This post is intended to be a simple study of attraction staging with no intent to spoil illusions. Please do not photograph or visit backstage areas without permission.
Related posts:
A Look at the Progress City Model - Then and Now
Horizons Animatronics Found Under Carousel of Progress
America Sings
HORIZONS MURAL, "The Prologue and the Promise [High Res]