...and Fresh Roasted Corn!

The original Journey Into Imagination ride was a quality, imaginative, creative, original, spectacular ride if I ever did see one. You wouldn't know it by looking at it's current state. The company killed of the main characters and eventually brought back Figment but Dreamfinder is still six feet under.
But pieces of the original ride still exist. Some of them in my home office. A few years back my ol' pal Hoot Gibson asked if I'd like pieces of the famous blimp! His wife, a lot like mine, valued space over dusty old iconic treasures. I was thrilled.

Good old Dreamfinder flew his blimp with a red and gold control panel in front of his pilot seat and a glass-like dome above with binoculars attached.
At one time I had the original blue suit with original shoes, goggles, hat, and gloves and bow tie. Of course I would wear them around the house while playing with the control panel and fake binoculars. I wore them around my office at Disney a couple of times at the risk of being unprofessional. Now why can't I find the photos of this?? I don't know. Over the years these items sadly slipped through my fingers.

Ok. Possibly to coolest thing about this is what you see in the above. That decorative cap is a jello mold. Not just any jello mold. Underneath there's a price tag from Disneyland! (Photo to come) Who thought of this?? How did this come about? I mean it does fit the style of the vehicle but did they say "I bet the west coast gift shops have a perfect jello molt that would look GREAT on this"? A mystery. Any early 80s W.E.D. people out there who helped build this thing? If so, drop me a line. Hoot showed me this. How rad is that? By the way these pieces were originally given to Hoot by those determining the fate of the blimp.
Fresh Roasted Corn you ask? This story is ten times cooler as told by Hoot himself on a new blog brought to us by none other than our favorite Horizons adventurers Hoot and Chief of Mesa Verde Times. Their new blog tell the prequel to what you've just read, and the blog is called "Fresh Roasted Corn". Check out photos of Chief popping out of the blimp as Figment once did. Click here.

And if you can gag your way through what is Epcot's Mouse Gear store to look up on one of the west walls you'll see more of the blimp vehicle.
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